Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Why Should I Be Honest?"

Being a heavy procrastinator, I sometimes need prompts to get myself motivated. My writing hand has nearly become dusty from disuse and I believe I saw cobwebs clinging to my pens and pencils. So as an exercise for my imagination and poor, atrophied, fingers, I intend to work on writing one prompt a day for the next month. Once the one month goal has been reached, I will evaluate what I have done and set a new goal.

Here is the first.


To be honest with people, and oneself, is often a tricky thing. So many people seem to be hardwired in distrusting their fellow human that, even when honesty is being used, it is disregarded as fallacy. Or scorn.

Being honest can sometimes be equated to baring one's soul, leaving it open to either gentle acceptance or biting rejection. Honesty is a duel-edged sword set to defend or cut the one who wields it.

As to why I should use honesty, despite such glaring possibilities for disaster, is simply this: lies and omissions can lead to far greater problems. By being open and honest, whatever is being discussed is there for all parties to see and work through. Keeping things hidden allows for stagnation, doubt and paranoia.

To be honest with others should be nothing more than a brief painful instance, ripping a band-aid from a small wound and then put out of mind.


Not a lot of time was put into this particular prompt. Distractions were present (i.e. cat jumping onto my notebook being one), and my mind was constantly pointing out things that were wrong during the writing process. I will pull old papers from a duel-credit writing coarse from the hiding places and look over them to refresh myself.

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